The idea of “First and Second Moments of True” initially began with Alan George “A.G” Lafley, the president and CEO of P&G (Procter and Gamble) Company in 2005 and then Google introduced the “Zero Moment of Truth” later in 2011.
Less than Zero Moment of Truth (<ZMOT)
The less than zero moment of truth is the moment that the customer has a potential demand but it occurs even before the research begins. It is the moment more before the customers make a decision and thus, they should have a reasonable reason for selecting your products and moving to your brand first rather than choosing your competitors. Moreover, this moment is an opportunity for you to create new demands and inspire them to think about making a purchase. For instance, in addition to smartphones and laptops, Apple Inc. established new customer demand for iPads in 2010.
The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)
The zero moment of truth is coined by Google. Zero moment of truth is the moment when customers begin to gather information from search engines regarding a product. Furthermore, other`s opinions will affect the customer`s decision at this point. Based on the conducted surveys by Google, nearly 88% of people in the United States search for their favorite products before using them. In this stage, social networks like Instagram and Telegram have a significant impact on customer`s decision-making process.
The First Moment of Truth (FMOT)
The next stage is the first moment of truth in which customers have made the final decision and they go for a product among all alternatives, after searching precisely in the zero moment of truth. In other words, the first moment of truth is the moment that potential customers encounter your products or services for the first time. In addition, the decision-making process lasts only 3-5 seconds and hence, you should concentrate on the influential elements like the packaging, price and guarantee to convince the customers make a purchase.
Second Moment of Truth (SMOT)
The second moment of truth is the moment that the customer experiences what your brand is offering. When customers have a positive experience, they will use the product again, otherwise, they probably choose your competitors. At this stage, you need to focus on the quality of products or services to provide a successful user experience for your customers.
Third Moment of Truth (TMOT)
The third moment of truth is the moment that customers provide feedback about an experience whether positive or negative. Furthermore, your product`s ability to fulfill the needs of customers and your business efforts to provide an enjoyable experience while purchasing will shape the customer`s emotional responses. At this stage, the importance of word-of-mouth marketing should not be neglected. Word-of-mouth marketing is a cost-efficient way to attract customers and generate leads. This is because the positive feedback from the customers and their recommendations have a significant impact on lead generation.
You need to pay attention to customer experience management and customer relationship management in these stages. Right management and prioritizing the customer needs before any other factors, let you have loyal customers in your business.
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