In this digital era, by the great utilization of social networks it is important to embrace all types of content to help your brand stand out. In other words, content is an integral part of every individual`s daily life. Below, we will discuss the 8 types of content:
8 Types of Content
Blogging is older than the other types of content creation and a great way to increase conversion rate as well. Additionally, blogs are easily found in search engines by users. Take into account that using keyword planning in content creation is essential for blogs. Moreover, blogging allows you to have a strong link building in comparison with the other types of content creation.
Video is another type of content creation that is predicted to make up 80% of all global website traffic by 2020. Research clearly shows, 75% of the audience are more eager to make a purchase after watching video content. In addition, the benefit of video marketing is to lead more traffic to your website and grab the audience`s attention in order to engage them quickly and thus, providing an appealing return on investment (ROI). Moreover, video content is prepared to answer customers’ questions, proposing solutions and useful data. It should be noted that video content should not overwhelm the audience and thus, be short, beneficial and attention-grabbing in order to convey the brand`s message quickly.
According to researches, the number of podcasts listeners grows heavily in recent years. Additionally, most of the audience prefer to spend their time doing other tasks as well and undoubtedly, listening to the podcasts will be the best choice. Moreover, podcasts are more affordable compared to other types of content.
Webinar which is the online version of seminars is one of the favorable options for great business owners. The main feature of webinar is that the audience can use it to ask questions and exchange their ideas. According to the researches, 20 to 40 percent of webinar audiences eventually become leads and between 2 to 5 percent of participants tend to make a purchase after the webinar.
eBooks are an effective type of content, in PDF format and downloadable. In other words, your eBook should provide some useful information and insight for your audience about their challenges and needs.
Consider time, quality and deep studies in content creation for your eBooks. Furthermore, eBooks are a great way to create Evergreen Content and increase the rate of return on investment for a long time and attract new customers.
Infographics are the other form of content creation that needs a comprehensive understanding of visual elements and colors. It also enables you to convey the brand`s message visually and quickly. The other benefit is that infographics are shared on social media 3 times more than other types of content. It is important to make visual elements like images and fonts attractive in order to engage more audience. Moreover, psychology helps you to design the infographic based on your target audience in order to reach great results.
This type of content marketing depends on your target audience and the market you are working. In other words, content creation in the form of guidelines helps you to share your knowledge in a wide spectrum and hence, gain public trust. In this type of content creation, pay attention to brief descriptions, standards, and writing structures in order to answer the audience questions quickly.
These days, everybody knows how important content creation is in even small businesses and it has positive impacts on ROI rate, conversion rate, lead generation, and website traffic as well. If you are not able to create content in the types that we have mentioned in this blog, rely on Macan digital marketing agency by outsourcing. Macan digital marketing agency with its experienced content team helps you to improve your content marketing strategy.
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